Local food ethically produced.
We like to do things a little differently from the norm here on Ogi Farm. We don't believe in sacrificing the well-being of our animals or land in order to maximise production. Instead, we'd rather produce a smaller amount of delicious, healthy, locally produced food & drink while prioritising the welfare and happiness of our animals and the biodiversity present on our little slice of hilly farmland. If you're local or just happen to be passing by we'd be happy to show you around, introduce you to some very spoilt chickens, the worlds friendliest pigs and some very busy bees.

Our Birds.
We all know that 'Free Range' is usually anything but these days. Here on the Farm however our chickens & ducks are allowed to live their lives freely wandering roughly 4 acres of Apple Orchard. Their only ever locked into their spacious coop at night - For obvious, toothy reasons.
They're hugely beneficial to the health and fertility of the soil, reduce the amount of pests which often affect Orchards such as ours, and on top of all that lay Wales' finest selection of multi-coloured eggs.
In return for all this hard work we keep them for their entire natural lives, rather than the standard practice of 'Replacing' the laying stock every year or two.
Surely four or five years of hard work in the fields should be rewarded with some downtime in their sunset years? We certainly think so, and so will never put a healthy bird down.

Our Bees.
As a pretty recent addition to the Farm, we're still working to expand our collection of hives and learning a ton with each new season.
We like to manage our hives as naturally as possible, using a range of organic supplements to keep them strong through the wet Welsh winters.
They're incredibly helpful little creatures, pollinating our range of fruit trees and being kind enough to allow us a small portion of their honey each year.
We always make sure to leave them plenty to snack on through the Winter and hope to add more bee-based-products to the shop over the coming years.

Our Trees.
We grow a range of apple varieties here on the Farm, and have established a small nursery to propagate and sell some of our favourite - often heritage - varieties.
Any apple tree in our nursery has been hardened to the worst the Welsh weather can throw at it, can often be chosen from a variety of root-stocks and will have been grown free of damaging pesticides & insecticides.

Our Juices & Vinegar's
We blend our huge mixture of apple varieties into what we thing is just about the tastiest drink on earth - 100% pure apple juice. This is then frozen and available to buy year round. It really is beautiful stuff.
A portion of his juice is then processed here on the farm into proper, undiluted apple cider vinegar. We never dilute or add to the vinegar and drink it everyday for its health benefits.
The chickens even get the odd glug in their water supply to keep them in tip top shape - we did say they were spoiled.